1. What does “electronic data format” means?
– Electronic data format are data created in electronic form, that can be processed electronically and transmitted through electronic communication systems. Format example: electronic data with textual content can be stored as a text document in “.txt” format, as a word document in “.doc” format, as well as in other types of formats.
2. What is an electronic transaction?
– Electronic transaction is an activity between two or more parties, which is performed electronically.
The electronic transaction can be done between natural persons and legal entities, only between natural persons or only between legal entities.
3. What is an electronic document?
An electronic document is any content stored in electronic form, in particular text or audio, visual or audio-visual recordings.
Example of an electronic document: the recorded meeting of a collegial authority as an audio-visual recording is considered as minutes, without the need to create new textual content.
4. What is the meaning of the term “product “?
– A product is hardware, software or the corresponding components of hardware or software, intended to be used in the provision of trust services.
5. What is interoperability?
– Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or of the components thereof, to exchange data and enable joint use of data and knowledge.
6. What do you mean by public body?
– A public body is a state body, a state administration body, a local self-government unit, public enterprises, institutions, organizations and legal entities, which have been delegated with public authorizations in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of North Macedonia.
7. What do you mean by authentication?
– Authentication is an electronic process that enables electronic identification of a natural person or legal entity or that enables confirmation of origin and integrity of data in electronic form.
This process allows personal submission of documents to be done by using means of electronic identification. Additionally, this process enables verification of the submitted or transmitted data in electronic form.
8. What is personal identification data?
– Personal identification data is a set of data based on which it is only possible to identify the identity of a legal entity, natural person or authorized person of a legal entity.
In addition to the unique personal identification number of the citizen (ЕМБГ), unique registry number of the subject (ЕМБС) or unique tax number (ЕДБ) for legal entities, personal identification data can also be a unique electronic number of the citizen (ЕЕБГ), the certificate for electronic signature or any other data, based on which the identity of the person can be determined.
9. What do you mean my electronic identification?
– Electronic identification is the process of using personal identification data in electronic form uniquely representing either the natural person or legal entity or authorized person of a legal entity.
10. What are electronic identification means?
– Electronic identification means are tangible or intangible tools containing personal identification data and are used for authentication in electronic services.
An example of an intangible means of electronic identification is the username and password used by the person logging in to an information-communication system.
If the login person in an information-communication system can use an electronic signature in the form of a token (USB) and thus the person can be identified, then the token is a material mean for electronic identification.
11. What do you mean by issuer of electronic identification means?
– An issuer of electronic identification is a legal entity that fulfils the terms and conditions set out in the Law for electronic documents, electronic identification and tryst services, for issuers of electronic identification means;
12. What do you mean by electronic identification scheme?
-An electronic identification scheme is an electronic identification system according to which electronic identification means are issued to natural persons or legal entities or to an authorized person of a legal entity;
The elements that the scheme is composed of are the systems used to: determine the features and design of the electronic identification means; issuance, delivery and activation of the electronic identification means; suspension, revocation and reactivation of the electronic identification means; renewal and replacement of the electronic identification means; as well as authentication of the electronic identification means.
An electronic identification scheme can be used to identify natural persons and legal entities.
An electronic identification scheme is also used in closed systems.
13. What is a trust service?
Trust service is an electronic service in electronic transactions, which is consisted of:
-creation, validation and verification of electronic signatures, electronic seals or electronic time stamps, services for electronic recommended delivery, as well as certificates related to these services or;
-creation, validation and verification of websites authentication certificates or;
-preservation of electronic signatures, seals or certificates related to these services.
14. What are the types of trust services?
Trust services may be non-qualified and qualified.
When the type of trust service is not determined, then it is considered to be a non-qualified trust service.
15. Who can be a trust service provider?
-Trust service provider is a legal entity who provides one or more trust services.
16. What do you mean by relying party?
-Relying party means a natural person or legal entity that has a legal interest in an electronic identification or a trust service;
17. What is a qualified trust service?
-A qualified trust service means a trust service that meets the applicable requirements laid down in the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services that refer to qualified trust service.
18. What do you mean by qualified trust service provider?
-A qualified trust service provider is a trust service provider who provides one or more qualified trust services and whose status of a qualified trust service provider is assigned by the Minister of Information society and Administration by registration in the Register of Schemes for Electronic identification of trust services;
19. Who can be a trust service provider?
– Trust service provider is a legal entity that has been assigned with public authorizations, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Electronic Documents, Electronic Identification and Trust Services.
20. What is the meaning of electronic signature?
– Electronic signature is a set of data in electronic form which is attached to or logically linked with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory for signing.
21. What is the meaning of electronic seal?
-Electronic seal means data in electronic form, which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form to ensure the origin and integrity of the attached or logically associated data.
22. What is the meaning of electronic signature creation data?
– Податоци за изработка на електронски потпис се единствени податоци кои се користат од страна на потписникот за создавање на електронски потпис.
23. What is the meaning of validation data?
-Validation data is the data used for electronic validation signature or electronic signature or seal;
24. What is the meaning of certificate for electronic signature?
-Certificate for electronic signature is an electronic attestation that links electronic signature validation data to a natural person which confirms at least the name or the pseudonym of that person.
25. What is the meaning of certificate for electronic seal?
-Certificate for electronic seal means an electronic attestation that links electronic seal validation data to a legal entity and confirms the name of that legal entity;
26. What is the meaning of the term signatory?
– Signatory means a natural person who creates an electronic signature.
27. Who can be creator of a seal?
-Creator of a seal is a legal entity that creates an electronic seal, and the same by virtue of this Law is established as a Sealer.
28. What is an electronic signature or seal creation device?
– Electronic signature and/or seal creation device is a technical device, moreover a configured software or hardware, used to create an electronic signature or electronic seal
29. What is the meaning of the term validation?
-Validation is the process of verifying and confirming that an electronic signature or a seal is valid.
30. What do you mean by advanced electronic signature?
– Advanced electronic signature means an electronic signature which meets the requirements laid down in the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services, that refer to an advanced electronic signature.
31. What do you mean by qualified electronic signature?
– Qualified electronic signature means an advanced electronic signature that is created by a qualified electronic signature creation device, and which is based on a qualified certificate for electronic signature.
32. What is the meaning of qualified electronic signature or seal creation device?
– Qualified electronic signature or seal creation device are devices which meet the requirements laid down in the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services, that refer to qualified electronic signature or seal creation devices.
33. What is the meaning of qualified certificate for electronic signature?
-Qualified certificate foe electronic signature is a certificate for electronic signature, which is issued by a qualified trust service provider and who meets the conditions set out in the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services, that refer to a qualified certificate for electronic signature.
34. What do you mean by advanced electronic seal?
-Advanced electronic seal is an electronic seal, which meets the conditions set out set out in the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services, that refer to an advanced electronic seal.
35. What do you mean by qualified electronic seal?
– Qualified electronic seal is an advanced electronic seal, which is created by a qualified electronic seal creation device, and that is based on a qualified certificate for electronic seal.
36. What is the meaning of the term electronic seal creation data?
– electronic seal creation data is unique data, which is used by the creator of the electronic seal to create an electronic seal;
37. What is the meaning of the term qualified certificate for electronic seal?
-Qualified certificate for electronic seal is a certificate for an electronic seal that is issued by a qualified trust service provider and meets the conditions set out in this Law that refer to a qualified certificate for electronic seal.
38. What is the meaning of the term certificate for website authentication?
– Certificate for website authentication is an attestation that makes it possible to authenticate a website and links the website to the natural person or legal entity to whom the certificate for website authentication is issued.
39. What is a qualified certificate for website authentication?
– Qualified certificate for website authentication is a certificate for website authentication, which is issued by a qualified trust service provider and meets the conditions set out in this Law that refers to a qualified certificate for website authentication
40. What do you mean by electronic time stamp?
-Electronic time stamp is a set of data in electronic form which links other data in electronic form to a particular time establishing evidence that the connected data existed at that particular moment.
41. What do you mean by qualified electronic time stamp?
– Qualified electronic time stamp is an electronic time stamp which meets the conditions set out in this Law that refer to a qualified electronic time stamp.
42. What is the meaning of the term electronic registered delivery service?
– Electronic registered delivery service is a service that makes it possible to transmit data between third parties by electronic means and provides evidence relating to the handling of the transmitted data, including proof of sending and receiving the data, and thereby protects transmitted data against the risk of loss, theft, damage or any unauthorized alterations.
43. What is the meaning of the term qualified electronic registered delivery service?
– Qualified electronic registered delivery service is an electronic registered delivery service which meets the conditions set out in this Law that refer to a qualified electronic registered delivery service.
44. What do you mean by conversion?
– Conversion is a change to the form or format of the document from one form or format to another form or format, so that the content of the document remains unchanged
45. What do you mean by digitalization?
– Digitalization is the conversion of a document from a form that is not electronic into an electronic form.
46. What is the meaning of the term digitalized document?
– Digitalized document is an electronic document created by means of digitalization of the original document in written form.
47. What do you mean by electronic preservation of documents?
– Electronic preservation of documents means preservation of documents in electronic form, for which the exact time of preservation of documents is specified, corresponding to the time of preservation of the documents in hard copy, for which the time of preservation is confirmed with an electronic time stamp.
48. What do you mean by qualified electronic preservation of documents?
-Qualified electronic preservation of documents is preservation of electronic documents, which in their preservation are confirmed with a qualified electronic signature and/or seal and a qualified time stamp.
49. What is the meaning of trust mark for trust services?
– Trust mark for trust services is a sign which is clearly recognizable and which clearly indicates that the trust service is provided by a specific trust service provider
50. What is the meaning of trust mark for qualified trust services?
– Trust mark for qualified trust services is a sign which is clearly recognizable and which clearly indicates that the qualified trust service is provided by a specific qualified trust service provider
51. What is the meaning of the term conformity assessment body?
-Conformity assessment body means a legal entity accredited to carry out conformity assessment of a qualified trust service provider and the qualified trust services it provides thereof.
52. What is a certification laboratory?
– Certification laboratory is a legal entity accredited to carry out conformity assessment of means for issuing electronic identification, electronic signatures or electronic seals, pursuant to the conditions established by the Law on electronic documents, electronic identification and trust services.